The Death Of Adolescence Dear Kent, I wanted to write to you about our experience at the men's conference last month. Kent I remember you saying that some of the exercises seemed awkward but Kent I believe their purpose was to trick our intellect and help us access our emotions. The exercise that surprised me the most was the plaster masks we made of each other's faces; Kent that one brought up so many memories and feelings. I couldn't find those words - until now. I know that you couldn't see me but I was crying as I made your mask. When we began the plaster mask exercise you laid flat on the floor in front of me. I realized we were both men now, 37 years old, and as I cut up the plaster bandages and prepared the eater to dip them in, I was reminiscing about the many years we have been friends. The room was warm and quiet and as I placed the first strip of wet cloth across your eyes, I felt a sadness come, and my fingers slowly rubbed the contours of your face. You and I are two 10 year old racing on our bakes. We sail on winds of laughter and innocence. It is summer and we swim naked in the crystal pool water; the sun is our clothing; timeless adventurers we are. Kent that was the happiest time of my life. Then I went on vacation. I remember that summer of 1965 wa the hottest and most humid, I had ever known. My family went on vacation to Aileen Texas, to visit my mother's family. My mother and father left me with my grandma and grampa at the old wooden house our family called St. Mary's. I thought that it was named after the old woman who died there in my grandparent's care because they said "she suffered like a saint." As a Baptist child, I never questioned religious mysteries. Since I didn't know much about saints, to me it all made sense. It turned out that was actually just the name of the street. My cousin stewart had agreed to come and watch the Ed Sullivan on T.V. with me. Stewart was four years older than my ten and the awkward changes of manhood had grasped him early. To him I was cherubic and spoiled, his rich cousin from California. My uncle Tom's headlights shone through the screen door as his car careened up the driveway and came to a stop with a thud against the giant petter tree in the backyard. He stumbled into the house, cussing and swinging the hook that took the place of his missing arm. I saw him go into my grandparent's bedroom and heard him crashing around the room as he took off his clothes and turned off the light. I followed Stewart and my grandparents to the doorway where my uncle slurred how sorry he was and wiped the slobber off his face with his now naked stump. He asked me to come sleep with him. I was afraid I couldn't say anything. He shouted and begged and saying I was his favorite nephew. My grampa told him to shut up and then told me to go to bed with Stewart in the other bedroom. I remember now how relieved I had felt. I entered the other bedroom as Stewart turned off the light and switched on the droning fan that would blow the smothering heat from the room. We pulled the sheets over our bodies, and the moon shining through the window by the bed made the sheets look like snow, as they clung to us like the summer air. He asked me to touch him and I curiously moved my hand to his erect penis. Something inside felt very wrong but his attention made me feel older and accepted by him. He then rolled onto my back. I could smell his body odor as he whispered it wouldn't hurt. Oblivious to the movement inside the room; suddenly I was only aware of what I could see and hear outside the window. There was the constant metallic buzz of the katydids, the darkness that surrounds the stars and a mosquito truck with its gently floating fog that landed on the lawns and trees. Fear seized me back into the room as I felt him release inside me and his body jerk. Then he was still. I was terrified. Was I dying? Anguish filled my mind as an invisible shield went up around me. The springs on the bed complained as I got up and crossed the dark hall to the bathroom. I turned on the bathroom light and even the roaches were repulsed by me as they escaped into the cracks and the haunted shadows. I was in pain as I touched myself and realized he had damaged me. My mind was numb and yet insane thoughts filled my head and my heart raced. I cried out to God but I felt too sinful for my voice to ever reach heaven. My parents would be ashamed of me, and their voices were angry inside my head. I wanted to die. My stomach ached and I shivered as I cleaned myself and turned off the light. I cried as I crawled back into bed with Stewart. He said that it would be our secret. He said I would be all right. He lied. --------------- When I smoothed another plaster bandage over your chin, I began to tremble and tears fell into the wet plaster. I could feel how the round youthful face had matured with its angular jaw line, and then my fingers touched your beard. Childhood was gone. Kent do you remember the year when we were going to start the 7th grade? I prayed all summer for pubic hair and confided to you how afraid I was that I would have a smaller dick in gym class. Where did that dick thing come from anyway? Remember how we told each other about our first time masturbating? You used Ben/Gay and almost burned your pecker off. I told you about sanding a speaker cabinet I was building for our rock band and as I leaned on the sander for extra leverage I had my first orgasm. I still get a boner when I walk through the Sears Craftsman too department. The next bandage I placed on your lips. The white mask is forming over your face. We are fourteen now. Full of jocular knowledge we had gained from the porn magazines my older brother kept that were not so carefully hidden. Sex burned in my mind and every thing had a sexual meaning. First, we experimented with each other then on other boys and then our first girlfriends. Somehow friendship and being sexual got mixed up. Then we tried drugs and booze. I felt cool and important but most of all - I didn't feel. Fear and insecurity haunted me temporarily kept them silent. I rub a dripping plaster cloth and then another over your forehead and I become aware of the lines there. I remember seeing your face at our 8th grad graduation and I was saying goodbye. I am moving away. I am saying goodbye to my girlfriend, the student council, the rock band, my school chums and I'm crying because I'm leaving you. Ashamed, I hide my eyes and my mother is fussing as she drives. I can't answer her because she won't understand. She sees any interest that detracts from her as betrayal. Kent, I am lost. I have lost my identity. My family is in trauma. My mother becomes depressed and ill and my father is so exhausted from his commute to L.A. he is almost invisible. My brother and I are friendly for the first time, mainly in waging war on our parents for making us move and we have dope smoking in common. This is better than his usual abuse. We have moved to Huntington Beach and I am a little fish in a big pond. I'm afraid but soon I meet kids who will be my friends - as long as I have drugs. I discover a new meaning to the word HIGH school because I'm stoned every day. I finish school in three years because I don't fit in there. There are various sex encounters, girls and guys but it's like the drugs: it has nothing to do with connection or intimacy just getting out of my head. One of the better memories of these years is a rock band I played in with some older guys. We're good and make money but I spend it all on drugs and my car. You visit me and I write to you letters filled with cartoons of teenage angst. I have a day job working at a bus depot washing dishes. There's a man who comes in and reads manuscripts that he pulls from a well worn, leather brief case. He wears a coat with leather elbow patches and smokes a pipe. I tell him I want to be a writer. He invites me to his apartment to talk and see his work. The writer offers me a beer as we sit down and look at some photographs. I'm impressed he sees me as old enough to drink and hang out in his cool bachelor pad. He must be at least 35 and I wonder if he knows I'm only sixteen. I notice the photographs are mainly of men and as I get farther along in the book they are naked. I ask him what type of stuff he writes and he sits next to me on the couch. "I write the copy that goes between the pictures in pornographic books." He grabs me and kisses me, his beard scratching my face. I'm suffocating and crying and I don't know what to do. He says he wants to jack me off and I let him. I remember going home and showering but nothing could make me feel clean. You would think I would have learned from this, but soon afterward I let one of the writer's friends do it too. This time it's for money, so I can buy some pot. ________________________________ The plaster mask is in place and I dip my fingers in the water and smooth the surface. Over your browline, to your cheekbones and down to your chin; the white image stares at me. I'm 17 years old and in college part time but my grades are poor. My parents tell me to go to school full time or get a job. I decide to try a job. My dad finds me a job at a vitamin factory. Many young people that work here are Jesus freaks. They have long hair just like me but they smile continually. The first time I go to church with one of them I go forward and receive Christ. I now have a new identity. I have thoughts to think, a belief system, values and behavior clearly defined by the Bible and the Jesus people culture. I develop a smile. I am happy and excited and most of all I fervently attend church meetings and do the Lord's work. I strive to please God and to do His will. I pray against sexual temptation and will try to be celibate till I marry. I take life more seriously now and I begin to consider careers. I want to be a musician but my father's voice pushes me towards a more responsible path. I hate school and I ask myself, "what school has no homework?" I decide to go to barber school and I finish by my 18th birthday. I get my first job and within three months and I am making big dollars. I move out and buy my first house and I get a new BMW. Most of my friends are older and married. I feel older myself with all the responsibilities I now carry. I rent my extra rooms to two male roommates and discover what it is like to play a little. Echoes of my previous years come to visit me in the form of compulsive masturbation and pornography and I justify this because my christian roommates drink more beer than I do. The old fears still plague me. I feel like I don't fit in. The things men measure masculinity by are out of my reach. I've never been good at sports and my body is short, round and not muscular. Sexuality still worries and confuses me. But I push the fear down and try to be a better christian. I continue progressing in my career and buy my next house, this time in Irvine. I am 21 years old. I begin dating a pretty and intelligent girl named Laure. We talk about everything and have so much in common. I fall in love with her immediately. She is goal oriented and defiantly not a quitter. My biggest fear that she will discover the real me and leave. We are engaged after dating for three months. Laure's family is so close and they talk to each other. This appeals to me because my family is frozen in silence. Sometimes Laure's family fist fights and rage but Laure says it's because they love each other so much. We marry in six more months. Ten years later after the births of our two children my addictions escalate until I bottom out. I am in recovery for sex and alcohol addiction. I touch the mask and it is dry enough to lift off. We are saying goodbye again this time as two men. It is the end of the men's conference. I press into your arms and I feel your head on my shoulder and sense your tears as you shudder. I'm crying too, but this goodbye is different from all the rest. I feel like it's the recognition of the death of our adolescence. Kent the roads we chose are different. I think the one you chose takes more courage. I do not regret one part of the years we spent together or anything we did. Thank you for forgiving me for my selfishness. You have remained my best friend through the years. Bob This is an article that appeared in Tracks in the Sand. If you would like further information about men's issues, support groups, retreats or newsletter contact: Gary Kalus AOL GSK502 CompuServe 71461,166